Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sick Day

Back Date: Dec. 28 ish

Over our Christmas break I had plans to go do lots of stuff sense Cody was taking time off work. Well first Cody got sick. ( a horrible horrible cold) It was the worst cold ever. He was out for at least 4 days straight not able to get out of bed. Then I got it!! Then Cooper got it. 
So we spent a lot of time watching movies and laying around over christmas break. It was still fun when we werent sick. 
Coop and I sick in bed and watching a movie.

Cody would die if he say this here:) But I love it, it makes me giggle. 
He was so sick and achey. He was hurting so bad, he decided to take a bath, he hated this tub because he does not fit at all. I dont even think he new I came in and shaped a photo.


Outfit Residential said...

Cody may not be a fan of this new year's resolution if it involves incriminating photos of him ending up on the blog...

Looks like you found a hobby of sorts until baby comes!

Alyssa/Jo said...

Ok the previous comment was me...I didn't realize Shane was logged in. You know how that goes.