Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2 Months Old!!

Mr. Cooper is 2 months old today, I cant believe how fast time is going by. He is such a sweet little boy, I love that I get to be his mama!
Things to remember...
* He is now weighing 13.5 lbs! He is getting so chunky, I love it!
* He is almost 25'' long, which is tall for his age.
* He is smiling all the time! My favorite is when he wakes up from his naps and I go in his room, he always flashes me the biggest smile, like he is so exited to see me:)
*He is getting very strong. He holds his head up so well.
* He will take a bottle from Cody! I love this because I always worried when I left Cooper, wondering if he needed to eat. Now I can leave and not worry cuz if he needs to eat he will take the bottle. Wonderful!
* He is becoming a GREAT sleeper! He goes to bed at 7:30pm and wakes up at 7:00am and eats usually once at night! And he takes great naps.Usually 3x1.5 and 45min cat nap in the evening.
* He loves to sleep in his crib! Not so much anywhere else. I think I am to blame for this one. But he really only sleeps when he is swabbled and laid down. This makes church super hard because he will not sleep more than 5 minutes in his car seat or in my arms.


Pamela said...

He is so cute! We love the new pictures and it does seem like time is going by so quickly, 2 months seems crazy. Give him a hug from Oregon :)

Lara said...

Oh my heck, He is SUCH a doll. Like dream baby doll. Seriously, he's so cute. I am jealous already of such a good sleeper! I'm dreading those sleepless nights for the first month. I hope and pray I get a good sleeper like cooper. You look so great! I'm so happy for you guys. You have such a darling little family.